2 Mei 2012

time less

hi loves. last night wasnot a good one for me,slept at 3am and terribly messed :( idk why i'm so moody and emotional. in case,i just want to try to understand people around me. but seems like everything i did was totally in a wrong way. wondering are people getting busier or just me that is so jobless & have tons of time? people are busy with theirs. they have no ttime for me these days. i miss everything used to be. i miss the one who is so patient in facing me and tone down. maybe i'm bad in chilling the awkward situation,but could you mind to appreciate my effort,please? i miss those quality taims. please,someone bring me back to October. i need harder effort to change and to understand people. then,gluck for me! :)

february letter ♥

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